“Lumberjack 20”
20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24″)
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)
Run 400m

Week in Review and Photo Albums
Week in Review – check out the news from this week!
Level 1 Essay Contest – Explain what CrossFit means to you and why you want to attend the Level 1 Course at CrossFit Roots
Look Good Naked Challenge Registration – Get all the details for the spring nutrition challenge HERE
The Cool Cruel Summer Series – get ready to vote for the workouts you’d like to see!
Photo Albums
March at Roots – CrossFit Open WODs 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, Spring Fling, Barbara, and more!
In-House Olympic Weightlifting Meet – LOTS of photos from the in-house weightlifting meet.
Interesting NYT Op-Ed that supports Karl’s point from earlier this week (or last week, I forget) about how meat production itself – and not just its effects on us, the Paleo consumers – may be an issue worth discussing.
I like this quote:
“These businesses — no matter how virtuous in intention — would gradually seek a larger market share, cutting corners, increasing stocking density and aiming to fatten animals faster than competitors could.”
Sounds to me like the real issue is one of ethical choices. If we were more concerned with the progress of humanity as a whole rather than the progress of our own wallets this would not be an issue. And I’m a believer that if you follow that idea then the universe or god or whoever you look to will take care of you.
The “not enough land” argument is often used but keep in mind that the downfall of industrialized farming would have a huge impact on fast food because it wouldn’t be so cheap anymore. If Joe plumber can’t go get 2 big mac’s for 3 dollars at the drop of a hat anymore, you would probably see an overall decline in consumption and not as much need for so many cows to begin with. Same for chicken, pork, etc.
Lastly, along with this movement back to grass-roots farming (see what I did there?) comes a return to a grass-roots approach to eating. This makes people more aware of the foods they’re eating and become reconnected with where it comes from and how it got to their plate. Overall more awareness would lead to smarter choices and hopefully a decrease in the amounts consumed, AND, who knows, maybe less waste as well.
Well said, sir.
Agree. Agree. Agree.
A huge part of the problem is that most people in this country have been brainwashed by an industrialized and Big Ag-subsidized food system to expect food to be cheap. Many would never pay a bit more for organic, locally produced, ethically sourced food but have no problem dropping hundreds of dollars a month on cable TV!
The good news is that, from my vantage point at sort of the leading edge of the food world (which is the focus of my professional life), I see a real fundamental shift happening that could bring more of us to the “back to the future” type of eating you describe. What’s cool is that communities like CrossfitRoots are helping to propel this shift through education, access (what other gyms offer you the opportunity to buy a share of a grass-fed cow?!) and motivation.
You and the other Roots coaches should feel good about that.