ATTENDING THE CrossFit Level 1 this weekend at Roots? Click here for local information.
Epic Park Workout
In teams of 3:
800M sled drag
150 stick burpees
800M sled drag
150 air squats
800M sled drag
150 KB swings
800M sled drag
Only one partner can work at a time on burpees, air squats, KB swings. One partner sled drags at a time but all partners run together for every 800 and can trade out sled drag as needed.

Welcome Level 1 Participants.
Level 1 Participants: Click here for local information. Registration and check-in begins at 8:30am. Our address is 2406 30th Street, Boulder Colorado. Our phone number is 303.578.8455.
CrossFit Roots 8, 9, 10am Classes: We’ll meet at the Southwest corner of the park – OPPOSITE the playgrounds and near the apartment building. There is parking at the corner of Balsam and 8th. SEE MAP HERE.
Eric, thanks for the great workout in the park. We should do more outdoor WODs 🙂
I think we’ll be heading to the park fairly regularly this summer/fall. Stay tuned for more EPWs (Epic Park Workouts).
Thanks for showing up and working hard!