5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
each minute on the minute for 30 minutes. your score is 30 or the number of intervals you completed before falling off. missing the start of the next interval means you are out. scaled options? yes (duh).

When to Clean Up and When to Hold Tight.
3-2-1-Go! You’re off, storming through the workout. You finish and call out “time!”. Now what? Around you lies boxes, barbells, and athletes, some of who are also done and some of whom are still working to finish the workout.
Hold tight! As a general rule we want you to sit tight. Grab a foam roller, a lacrosse ball, encourage others to finish, or simply sit on the floor and soak it all in.
When everyone has completed the workout, then is the time for you to break down your barbell and clean up shop. There are many reasons for this, a few of which are shop etiquette, class cohesion, and safety.
And, if you’re not sure – ask us!
Thanks for your efforts in this area.