Your 2013 CrossFit Games Start NOW.

7 rounds:
7 c-2-b pullups
7 kettlebell swings (2/1.5)
200m run

CrossFit Games athlete Mike McGoldrick is sponsored by Boulder Brands - and quite a few Boulder Brands employees workout at Roots.  Small world!
CrossFit Games athlete Mike McGoldrick came up and introduced himself to me yesterday after Event 3.  Turns out he is sponsored by Boulder Brands – and quite a few Boulder Brands employees workout at Roots. Small world!  And, a Games athlete sponsored by a gluten-free company?  COOL!

Your 2013 CrossFit Games Start NOW.

The CrossFit Games are off and running after a tremendous day 1.  Athletes began their quest for the title of Fittest Male and Female on the planet with a swim and muscle-up workout followed by a 1/2 marathon row for time.  And nestled into the first 2,000m of that row was a 2k for time!

See the current rankings here.

The action continues on Friday with events through Sunday!

Have you been to the CrossFit Games before?  Post to comments.

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