We’re getting in The Open groove!
Week 3 isi here with the live announcement tonight from CrossFit Diablo. Be sure to tune-in, we heard it’s going to be a good one!
See below so you’re in the know for Week 3! Sponsors, dinner, workouts, and more!

19.3 Breakdown

Sound check! That’s right, we’re calling our shot and saying that the sound will be on point for Thursday’s breakdown of 19.3. Tune-in to Facebook LIVE shortly after 6 pm on Thursday to learn about the workout, ask questions, and geek out on all things CrossFit.


We are pleased to welcome FlexMafia as our Week 3 sponsor! See below for more.

Pre-Order Your Dinner!

YellowBelly will be delivering dinner to Roots at Friday Night Lights this week. But there’s a catch – YOU HAVE TO PRE-ORDER YOUR DINNER! Don’t miss out! Please order by 3pm today.

[button link=”https://goo.gl/WriRhR” type=”big” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] Order Here[/button]

Warm-up Coach, Week 3 – Eric Christensen

Each week the warm-up area is stocked with a Roots coach who is affectionately called – The Warm-up Coach! As you all know we will be running WODs in heats through the night which means you’ll be responsible for warming yourself up but have no fear, a Warmup Coach will be near!

The WC is there to answer any questions you have regarding how to warm up (a specific warmup will be written on the whiteboard), discuss movement standards, chat about “to scale or not to scale”, how to approach the workout, give you a pep talk, and all that good stuff.  They will also gather you and the rest of your heat minutes before it is time for your heat.


We have a dynamite group of folks who have taken and passed the judges course! If you have taken the judges course but not yet signed up to judge on Friday Nights, please view this doc and sign-up for what you are able. Thank you for volunteering! We couldn’t do this without you.
And remember, each time you judge at FNL, you are entered to win a sweet new cruiser bike from our title sponsor – Jon Sisenwein, realtor at Pedal to Properties. – so don’t forget to add your name to the sheet above!

Background on Our Sponsors

Flex Mafia is more than muscles. Flex Mafia is the family of people who
are dedicated to bettering themselves through fitness. It is the love, passion, dedication, and consistency that you put in each and every day.  It’s looking damn good while training damn hard. We seek to break the boundaries between fitness communities and stigmas. We are all doing something to better ourselves, and that should be what bonds us as athletes. No matter what the sport.