Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

RPM Speed Ropes at Roots
A few months ago while visiting a good friend of ours (who did just happened to win the NorCal Regional this past weekend) recommended that we check out some new super stellar jump ropes. The company, RPMFitness was located in Northern Calfironia so Eric and I made the drive to check out the hype.
Always skeptical of the “latest and greatest” gear out on the CrossFit market, I entered the back office office with a lot of skepticism. And, I walked away with a new jump rope completely convinced. I then proceeded to do 13.3 (100 wall ball, 90 double unders, 30 muscle-ups) with one unbroken set of 90 double-unders. While 90 unbroken double-unders is not a big challenge for me it was how easy the 90 felt that really stood out. Where 90 usually winds me and blows out my shoulders, this was not the case.
Will the rope get you double-unders? Perhaps, but really, this is a great rope for someone who wants to take their double-unders to the next level.
We have a limited number for sale at Roots and hope to get more in the near future.
164 double unders in a minute with the RPM rope.
Holy shit
164 double unders in a minute with the RPM rope:
Just a recommendation to those who are still working on getting their dubs. I’ve been using the RX Jump Rope and have finally started getting DUs. It’s helped to learn on a weighted rope b/c you can get a feel where the rope is. I use the buff cable and went up 1 size based on the suggested size for my height.