10 rounds of:
:30 of rowing
Rest :30 seconds
:30 seconds of 95-lb. shoulder press
Rest :30 seconds

CrossFit Endurance Summer Session
Hey Crew and suffer junkies! Don’t miss out on the first summer session of CrossFit Endurance! This session is going to be a lot of fun and we’ll be working toward racing well in a few specific races at the completion of the session.
The schedule has changed a bit from last session:
Monday, 12:30 WOD, 5:30pm track session 1
Tuesday, 12:30 WOD
Wednesday, 12:30 WOD
Friday, 12:30 WOD, 5:30pm track session 2
In addition, each athlete will be assigned additional weekend homework based on your personal endurance goal or race.
Each hour is going to be packed, so make sure you show up on time and ready to throw down with a great crew of like minded individuals! Whether you want to complete your first IronMan or just have fun, work hard, and improve your endurance with your friends, this CFE session can get you there.
We are also targeting two races this session, although participation is not required, it is encouraged. The first is the Bolder Boulder on May 26th, this is a great event and most of you out there have probably done it in the past. The second race is the Denver Strides for Epilepsy 5K Run in Denver on June 8th.
But why Epilepsy? This is a cause near and dear to me. I was diagnosed with epilepsy during my last year under contract as a professional cyclist and was hugely effected by it. I’ll be doing this race with you guys!
Space is limited to 12 individuals. Email Stef ([email protected]) to reserve your space. Email me with any questions ([email protected]).
When does it start/how long is it/how many American dollars does it cost?
Hi Mr. Exercise,
Great questions. Silly us, we forgot the start dates.
The program starts May 5th and runs for 8 weeks.
The cost is $225 per month.