2010 Spring Paleo 2.0 Team Challenge

Bones and Wendy WIN Paleo 2.0!!

Top five teams and point total: 
1. Wendy and Bones (73.13)
2. Martin and Greg (71.51)
3. Mary and Karen (70.38)
4. Gil and Jason (64.67)
5. Tara and Andrew (64.64)

Let’s break it down…

32 Roots athletes participated in the challenge.

Over the course of five weeks the group:

– Lost 204 pounds
– PRed all but 4 retests
– Lost 207 inches



For time:
10 Handstand push-ups
250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
25 Box jumps, 30 inch box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10′
200 Double-unders
Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate

7 Responses
  1. Barbara

    Congratulations to Wendy and Bones, the rest of the top 5 finishers, and all of us who participated! That’s a lot of weight and inches lost, and a lot of PRs accomplished! Special yay for the 5:45’ers in the top 5: Mary, Karen, Tara, and Greg! Way to represent!

  2. Brian

    Woohoo! Way to go Wendy and Bones! Having the Paleo Breakfast available at the Cup makes it that much easier and yummier too!

  3. Nice work everyone! I’m just glad to have made it to the podium.

    (Also…I knew Bones back when we were in Foundations together so I’m extra proud of him. Of course, we didn’t call him Bones then.)