Come on in and hit a benchmark WOD of your choice.
You can pick a Girl or a New Girl (no Heroes) from any of the options here: CrossFit Benchmark Workouts
If you are unable to make a quick decision, we are happy to help you choose:) Happy Friday!

The One Year Anniversary Event is Just Around the Corner!
Please join us for an afternoon with family and friends to help celebrate CrossFit Roots’ one year anniversary! It will be a great opportunity to meet Roots athletes you may not see on a regular basis.
Sunday, June 27, 12:00PM to 3:00PM at Harlow Platts Community Park in South Boulder
Roots will provide meat and fixins’ as well as water…please bring a side dish to share.
**Be there for a group picture at 1pm!!**
Please RSVP to the Evite no later than June 21st! Didn’t get an Evite? Email June at june @ for details.