
May 8, 2013
Three rounds for time of:Run 800 meters50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ballIf your Karen time is over 10 minutes, scale to 35 reps per round or a lighter wallball.  Introducing the 2013 CrossFit Regionals Workouts Yesterday, the last two individual Regionals workouts were announced as were the team workouts.  We’ll do each event, over...
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“Schmalls”For time:Run 800 metersThen two rounds of:50 Burpees40 Pull-ups30 One-legged squats20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood10 Handstand push-upsThen,Run 800 meters May Newsletter! The May Newsletter hit your email inbox a few moments ago.  Check it out or click this link to get the low down.  There’s A LOT going on this spring and summer. May 13th –...
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