REMINDER!: Class will meet at the Centennial Middle School Track! In Teams of 3:15 min AMRAPAMRAP burpeesAMRAP air squats3 person rotation, 1 person starts on burpees at one end, one person starts on air squats at the other end, 3rd person takes sled from person 1 to 2. 3 becomes the air squatter, 2 takes...Read More
Reminder! – This weekend is Park WOD Series January! – see you at the Centennial Middle School track for today’s workout! “Griff” For time:Run 800 metersRun 400 meters backwardsRun 800 metersRun 400 meters backwards Two Steps Forward, One Step Back Think this looks easy? Think again! See you at the Centennial Middle School track. This one isn’t...Read More
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