Upcoming Events n’ Stuff!

Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Are you sore from Cindy? The best recipe is to get back in here and MOVE.

Upcoming Events n’ Stuff

Saturday – ALL Stronger, Faster, Healthier Pre-Orders DUE
Read this post to learn more.

Sunday – Open Shop, 10:30am-12:30pm
Sign-up required!  Please visit MBO.

Tuesday, January 17th, 6:00pm – Winter Sleep & Recovery Challenge Info Meeting
Come learn about this winter’s challenge and get ready for the kick-off the following Sunday.  Stay immediately after for the Food Chalk Talk!

Tuesday, January 17th, 7:00pm – Monthly Food Chalk Talk
Come learn about our approach to food and how to get started.  Ask questions, get answers.  This talk is great for anyone who would like to learn about our approach for the first time or those who need a little inspiration to get back on track.

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