4 Rounds:
5 push jerks (185 / 125)
50 double unders
20 GHD sit-ups
The CrossFit Total Worksheet
The CrossFit Total is TOMORROW. all. day. long. PLEASE READ THROUGH this post to be in the know.
1. If you come to a regular group class you will do a 1 rep max press and then choose between either a 1 rep max backsquat or 1 rep max deadlift.
2. If you come to the Cool Cruel Summer Series between 4 and 7pm you will do all three lifts.
3. When you arrive to the Cool Cruel Summer Series you will put yourself in a start heat on the whiteboard. You MUST be generally warmed up before your start heat. In other words, do a 5 minute jog, row, stretch, etc. The coaches will start with each heat and take all athletes through all of their lifts from workout-specific warm-up to attempts.
4. PLEASE NOTE! The last heat of the Total will start at 6pm. Please be there by 6pm ready to start.
5. KNOW THE CROSSFIT TOTAL RULES! You get 3 attempts and 3 attempts only at each lift. No exceptions. So…plan your attempts with this handy worksheet. Fill it out and bring it to class or the series.
LASTLY – this is the LAST Cool Cruel Summer Series workout and happy hour. Come lift heavy shit or cheer folks on while you sip on a summer beverage. See you there!
12:30 on Fridays added to the class schedule! Starts THIS week.
PLEASE NOTE!: Heats for tomorrow are as follows: 4:00, 4:20, 4:40, 5:00, 5:20, 5:40, 6:00. This is the START time of your heat which means you need to be generally warmed up prior to your start time. Plan to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to put yourself in your desired heat and warm-up. At the start time of your heat you will start the press. Yea Total!