Zone Meal at The Cup!

This is a Yearly Benchmark Test! Log your scores!
Charity putting front squat depth on display.
Charity putting front squat depth on display.

Zone Meal at The Cup!

Check it out! Want to make a good breakfast decision while out and about or on the way to work?
At The Cup you can order the Roots-famous “Sausage Paleo” breakfast with half the avocado and GF toast to make a 3 block meal!  
  • 1.5 eggs and 1.5 oz sausage – 3 PRO
  • Half avocado comes to 3 tbls – 3 FAT
  • Options for CHO
    • toast – eat 1.5 pieces for 3 blks CHO
    • OR 1 piece toast (2blks)  and 1 cup strawberries (1blk) for 3 CHO

Stay in the Zone even though you’re not at home!

2 Responses
  1. Jim Mansfield

    Way ahead of you on this one. Coffee and sausage Paleo are my go to breakfast when I miss it at home. It’s also fairly cheap.