Run 5K
If you’re coming in the early AM or after dark, bring a headlamp if you would like.

A Perfect Test of Fitness
I know what some of you are thinking. You just saw the workout and you’re puzzled. Run 5K? Is that a workout? Is that CrossFit? Yes, it is and we’d like to take this moment to persuade you NOT to click that late cancel button.
We’re interested in fitness and one measure of fitness is to test the capacity of an athlete in a variety of metabolic pathways. In other words, your capacity to breath and perform in short, medium, and long time domains.
A 5k is one of the most classic examples of this.
If you’re questioning whether or not to come today, take comfort in the fact that AT LEAST half of the class is in the same boat as you!
Sign-up for class, show up, do work, and get it done!
Hi All! Matt Aporta from Stronger, Faster, Healthier will be at the shop tomorrow evening and Friday morning to talk about and sample SFH products. We’ll post details tomorrow!