Seven rounds for time of:
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Pull-ups

The Wondrous Righthand Column of the Roots Webpage
There’s a ton of great information, resources, and links in the righthand column of our website. Here’s a quick tour!
The first heading is “curious about CrossFit” but you, seasoned Roots athlete, are so way beyond that…
Next heading, ROOTS. This is the section for YOU Roots athlete! Here you’ll find a link to Beyond the Whiteboard, a direct link to the class sign-up, a link to sign-up for Blood Work re-test, a link to purchase your Roots Gear, and a link to all of our sweet photo albums.
Did you know that we now upload pictures from the shop at the end of each month? Check out the September and October albums!
The next heading is the “upcoming events.” Many of the upcoming events are hyperlinked to a page with more details on the event. Try it out. Scroll over the “Networking Night” text and click to go to a page that details the event.
And speaking of events, don’t forget about Networking Night this Thursday from 7-8:30pm at the shop and the blood work retesting on Friday and Saturday mornings. Sign-up for a time slot under the Roots heading!
For those who post to Beyond the Whiteboard, anyone else getting a notification saying that there is a monthly subscription needed?
“Monthly – $3 every month, starting on November 15, 2010”
Dizon –
that’s on us. we’re switching accounts. Roots will still cover your subscription. should be worked out today.
Big-ups to the 5:30 crew which is expanding! 9 people at the crack of dawn!? LOVE IT!
Hey everyone, I was thinking about organizing a Roots nordic/cross country skiing day. I’d like to take some people up to Eldora or Snow Mountain Ranch in Winter Park and ski. I’ve been skiing for a while and I would love to help some people learn how. Let’s do a Sunday in December where the whole Roots family can get out and cruise around. Let me know which Sunday works. It will cost about $30 per person to get a trail pass and gear for the day if you don’t have any. My email is [email protected]
The ski trip sounds fun Jordan! I’ve done a lot of skiing and snowboarding in my day, but never cross-country/nordic style.
Unrelated, but any word on the chips Fraser found? (See yesterday’s post)
Lastly, I had another paleo nightmare last night. I dreamt I popped some gumballs in my mouth and realized my horrible mistake 30 seconds later.