REMINDER! 5 and 6pm classes are cancelled tomorrow (Wednesday) evening. We hope you join us at FATE for the annual Thanksgiving Happy Hour at 4:30pm.

For time:
15 squat cleans, 155 lb.
30 toes-to-bars
30 box jumps, 24-inch box
15 muscle-ups
30 shoulders-to-overheads, 40-lb. dumbbells 
30 double-unders
15 thrusters, 135 lb.
30 pull-ups
30 burpees
300-foot walking lunge with a 45-lb. plate held overhead

Partner deadlifts were a huge hit. This isn't Jess or Dre, who won the food challenge, it's Alicia and Yasmeen. And it's awesome!

Partner deadlifts were a huge hit. This isn’t Jess or Dre, who won the food challenge, it’s Alicia and Yasmeen. And it’s an awesome photo!

And the winners of the 2015 Fall Food Challenge are…

Congratulations to Andrea and Jessica!
Winners were determined in two different categories – percent change in body fat percentage and percent change in lean body mass. Those scores were then calibrated to a 28 point scale and combined with compliance scores to determine an overall score. Workout results were used as a tie breaker.
Both Andrea and Jessica had impressive compliance point totals with Andrea going 28/28 and Jessica going 26/28! On the dunk tank side, Andrea had a 4% drop in body fat and Jessica had a 2 pound gain in lean body mass.
Andrea lost 4% body fat but maintained her lean body mass! Jessica gained two pounds of lean body mass but did not change her total weight on the scale in the before to after. These are very impressive results from both women!
As a whole, the challenge produced some impressive results. Of the 28 individuals who did before and after dunk tank testing – the group lost 126 pounds of fat!
This challenge put a premium on quality food and gave specific guidelines for how to realize portion control that would support weight loss. Each challenge is a little different. What did you think of this challenge in regard to the guidelines and your results as well as if it worked well for your lifestyle.