Women’s Only Free Class is today at 10:30am! Join us. Details here.
15-12-9 reps for time of:
95-lb. thrusters
Rest 5 minutes
12-9-6 reps for time of:
95-lb. thrusters
Rest 5 minutes
9-6-3 reps for time of:
95-lb. thrusters

Athletes Registered for the Open: Log Your 15.1/a Scores!
Attention all 157 (that’s right) Roots athletes who registered for the 2015 CrossFit Open! If you have not already logged your score you MUST DO SO by 6pm MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME. There are no exceptions to this. ALSO, you need to make sure you joined the ROOTS team.
LOG YOUR SCORE HERE: CLICK here to log-in to your account and log your score.
JOIN THE ROOTS TEAM: Within your account, you must join the Roots team. Be sure to do this before this week. On the log-in page, scroll down to the section titled Games Status: Registration Complete and under Team, select Roots. You cannot join the Roots team after the first week’s scores are submitted!
Shane will validate scores each week on Sunday night and Monday night. Your score will appear once it is validated.
Also, today is LAST CALL for the 2015 CrossFit Open t-shirt. Click here for details and ordering information.
A HUGE thank you to the judges, volunteers, and athletes that made the first Friday Night Lights of the 2015 a MASSIVE success.
FINALLY, stay tuned for tomorrow’s blog post – we have BIG NEWS to report from teh State Championships Olympic Weightlifting Meet from this past weekend.
Questions? Post to comments.
That’s a pretty looking lift there, Pam. Nice lock out! Congrats to all who have the balls to compete!
You looked awesome Friday!! Way to go Pam!