Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely 3 minutes between rounds.

Check it! Barbara can be a beast and a drag of a workout or it can be an insanely epic CrossFit experience! The goal of this workout is for you to move! Read below for scaling options and pick the one that sounds most like you.
Men’s/Women’s RX
20 Kipping pull-ups, 30 full push-ups (from toes), 40 abmat sit-ups, 50 air squats
– This is the option for you if you have been CrossFitting for 6 months or more AND can do 1 set of 20 unbroken kipping pull-ups in a row without coming off the bar.
Scaled Option 1:
10 kipping pull-ups, 15 full push-ups (from toes), 40 abmat sit-ups, 50 air squats
– This is the option for you if you can do 10 kipping pull-ups in a row without coming off the bar. We scale the pull-ups and push-ups, which is often what drags people down, and keep the sit-ups and squats the same for each round.
Scaled Option 2:
10 kipping pull-ups w/ bands, 15 full push-ups (from toes OR knees), 40 abmat sit-ups, 50 air squats
– This is the option for you if you can not yet do kipping pull-ups without the assistance of a band.
Scaled Option 3:
Half Barbara (10/15/20/25)
– This is the option for you if you’ve been at Roots for less than 3 months.
Have an idea of which option you want to do when you come to class!
I really liked the rest times for strategizing. I made a goal time during each break, and ended up decreasing times for each round. That definitely would not have happened with no (or less) rest time.