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And here they are! The workouts for the 2022 Benchmark Series. To learn more about the Benchmark Series and how it is structured, read this blog post. Start planning your week to hit 4-5 of these workouts. Remember – pick the ones you DON’T want to do if you want to test and develop your fitness this year! The fun starts Monday, January 24! Monday “DT“ Five rounds for time of: •155/105 pound Deadlift, 12 reps •155/105 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps •155/105 pound Push jerk, 6 reps Tuesday For time: 2000m Row Wednesday Back Squat 3RM Thursday “Benchmark4” Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25 minutes of:200m Run 8m Handstand walk8 Box jumps (36/30) Friday Fran or Amanda option “Fran”For time:21-15-9 Thrusters (95/65)Pull-up “Amanda”9-7-5Muscle UpSquat Snatch (135/95)
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It’s back and better than ever! The 2022 Benchmark Series kicks off next week! Here’s how it works: Once a quarter, we will program the same five workouts, Monday through Friday for athletes to come in, test, and then repeat throughout one year. When is the first week of testing? Monday, January 24 – Friday, January 28 Should I do all five workouts? We recommend you pick 4-5 workouts and aim to hit them for all four quarters of testing. The workouts will always be programmed in the same order, Monday through Friday to help you plan. Why do we test benchmark workouts? “Our intent is two-fold in examining these workouts. First, these workouts, being exemplars of the CrossFit ideal, give us opportunity to lay bare some of the possibly unseen considerations and details we weigh in our programming design. Second, these five workouts introduce a series of workouts that will...
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Introducing Lindsay’s Open Prep class! For anyone who wants to spend extra time focusing on The Open this year, come join this fun, 12:30 p.m. class. Starting Friday, Jan. 21, this class will replace the regular Friday 12:30 group class for the next 5 weeks. In this class, you will learn about strategizing workouts to maximize your performance. You will work on becoming more efficient in movements typically seen in The Open (i.e. barbell cycling, basic gymnastics, etc.) and practice pacing in Open-style workouts/intervals while learning more about The Open standards. It will also help your intramural team win the Roots Open. What’s stopping you? While this class is open to all members, we do ask you aim to commit to all 5 weeks! Sign-up for Lindsay’s Open Prep classes through Zen Planner. Class cancellation policy still applies.
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The CrossFit Open is one of the best times of year at CrossFit Roots. It’s a time when athletes come together to workout, refocus on their fitness goals, cheer one another on, test their limits, and create new goals for the following year. No matter your current fitness level or length of time doing CrossFit, there is so much to be gained from participating in The Open. Below, we have outlined the 2022 CrossFit Open and how to register. What is the CrossFit Open? The 2022 CrossFit Games Open is a three-week competition open to anyone. Competitors are given one workout to complete each week and submit their scores online. The Intramural Team Competition at Roots Roots runs a shop-wide Intramural CrossFit Open Team Competition. It’s DA BOMB. What is your team competing for? Bragging rights. Bring all of your skills to the table – fitness, math, beer, geology, CrossFit...
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3 rounds for time of: 50 GHD sit-ups 25 strict handstand push-ups We have eight GHDs at the shop for a reason – the apparatus is the number one accessory piece that we want you to incorporate into your training outside of your hour CrossFit class. The GHD develops midline stability as well as awareness of movement.  The exercises most commonly done on the GHD are the hip extension, the hip and back extension, and the GHD sit-up. We want you, our athletes, making use of this apparatus in the 3-4 minutes before or after class.  As a starting point, athletes should be able to perform 25 hip extensions, 25 back extensions, and 25 GHD sit-ups each in a row.  Athletes should aim to hit each of these three movements one time every week.  As a gauge, it takes 1 minute to perform 25 of these repetitions – not a bad commitment! During classes we use...
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