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In teams of three, complete: 100 wallball (20/14)100 KB swing (32/24)75 toes to bar75 DB thruster (45/30)50 back squats (205/155)50 burpee box jumps Sunday Scramble. It’s 8:00pm on a Sunday evening.  You headed out of town all weekend, played hard, relaxed well, caught a nap, and now you’re headed home on the Sunday evening let down – Monday morning approaching and no idea what you’re going to have for dinner when you get home from work. Fear not!  Here’s a quick patch to get you through to Tuesday and a method to make it quick and easy. Sunday evening grocery stop on the way in to town for:– ingredients listed here for Mushroom Gravy Slow Cooked Rump Roast– 4 sweet potatoes– 1 box salad– 1 shallotthen, go home and go to bed…BUT set your alarm for :30 minutes earlier than normal (or just plan to go to work :30 minutes late). Monday...
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12 minute AMRAP:12 push-ups12 pistols12 DB snatches (45/25) Working the Workaround I spend many of my Fridays and Sundays flying to cities in the US and back to Boulder via airplane.  Over the past few years, the airlines have made economy ticket travel a wretched, cramped, cattle herding industry in which they now sell you 8″ of extra leg room for $50 and consider it as a upgrade.  That subject though is for another post… About three years ago, every once in a while, after doing a barbell complex type workout (deadlifts and overhead squats or The Bear Complex) I would finish with an extreme tightness in my lower back.  I thought it annoying but chalked it up to the possibility that my spinal erectors were extremely tired from working “so hard”.  Two years ago, I was in the middle of 21-15-9 deadlifts and overhead squats and my back tightened...
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For time:75 Handstand push-upsAt the beginning of each minute perform 20 Double-unders. Event Reminders, SFH Pre-Order, and Lost & Found! Don’t miss out!  Details below on the Chicks Only Happy Hour, SFH Pre-Order, and Valentine’s Day WOD.  And, don’t forget to take home your Lost & Found items by SUNDAY.  All items will go to GoodWill on Monday morning. Chicks Only Happy Hour – TONIGHT! Ladies!  Don’t forget, tonight is the Roots Chicks Only Happy Hour!  Come join the female coaching staff at The Kitchen Next Door from 4:30-6:30pm for the second (after a long time) Chick Only night. Stronger, Faster, Healthier Pre-Order – now through Wednesday! Stronger, Faster, Healthier (SFH) makes fantastic high quality fish oil and whey protein powders.  The green bottles and packages you see on the shop shelves. Are we recommending you take fish oil?  Well, we’re not doctors, but we think fish oil is probably...
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For time:135 pound Thruster, 15 repsRun 200 meters95 pound Thruster, 20 repsRun 400 meters65 pound Thruster, 30 repsRun 800 meters Lights Out Growing up I had a bedtime until I graduated from high school.  Yup, all through high school I had to be in bed by 9:30pm (not including Fridays and Saturdays, thank goodness).  That meant that I got eight and half hours of sleep.  T.S. Wiley, author of Lights Out, wouldn’t be impressed. For any CrossFitting, Paleo-minded, interested-in-health-and-wellbeing athlete, Lights Out is a must read.  As CrossFitters and a community, we have grown to make the connection between processed foods, excessive carbohydrate intake, hyperinsulinemia, and a host of autoimmune conditions and medical diseases.  In T.S. Wiley’s book Lights Out, he goes back one step further and makes the case that the average person’s massive and habitual lack of sleep is really the precursor to excessive carbohydrate intake and the...
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11 Min AMRAP: 11 Chest to bar pull-ups 75 pound Front Squat, 22 reps   Meet a Coach: Here’s Ali. What does your non-Roots world consist of? Most of you know that I LOVE Colorado and like to enjoy all sorts of outdoor activities in my free time.  Typically, my boyfriend Rick (some of you might know him from the 6:30 am class) and I spend our weekends hiking, backpacking, mountain/road biking, off roading in the Jeep and/or skiing.  I love photography and always have a camera along.  Our house is filled with photos from all of our adventures.  Since my outdoor time has been limited lately, our lives have been consumed with watching the entire LOST series and playing with our cat (don’t tell him he’s not a person), Alex.  What sort of athletic endeavors have you or do you participate in outside of CrossFit? As a little kid...
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