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Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 Variety is the Spice of Life. We cook at home almost every night. I love nothing more than going out to a restaurant and being served a delicious dinner; then walking away with no mess to deal with. However, my children are 10, 7 and 4 years old which means that going out to restaurants isn’t generally a relaxing or economical option and hasn’t been for many years. If you have kids, you know what I’m talking about.  So we cook. I’ve gone through numerous iterations on meal planning and shopping. No matter how you slice it, it is a chore that has to be done. The more upfront planning and organization you put into it, the easier the execution usually is during the week. For awhile, we worked off a rotation of about a dozen meals that we cycled through with minimal variation. That made for ease of...
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“Isabel”For time:Snatch 135 pounds, 30 repsUse 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed.     The Whiteboard. The whiteboard is a unique and powerful component of Crossfit.  It represents vastly different things to each and every athlete. I believe it can and should serve as a powerful motivator. It was designed to accomplish this end. It makes us own up to our performance, strengths, weaknesses, good days, and bad days.  Nothing feels better than putting up a great time or load or score; but few things match the disappointment of not measuring up to your own expectations and putting it up for the world to see. For all of these reasons and more, the whiteboard makes many of us anxious and uncomfortable. While an obvious reaction is to compare or benchmark your performance with other athletes; I prefer to look at it as a means to measure progress towards...
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7 min AMRAP:20 deadlifts (95/65)20 hang power cleans (95/65)20 front squats (95/65)20 push press (95/65) Sunday Sunrise. If you aren’t a regular 5:30 or 6:30 AMer, this is what you are missing. The recent snow and  the angle of the sun right now have made for amazing sunrises most every morning. The new schedule added extra early morning classes so come check out the early crew…and don’t miss the sunrise.
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20 double-unders8 muscle-ups40 double-unders6 muscle-ups60 double-unders4 muscle-ups80 double-unders2 muscle-ups100 double-unders   Magic Fairy Dust. We all have movements that we struggle with: snatches, pullups, overhead squats, running, ring dips, handstand pushups. The list is endless. We all have our goats and often they are our least favorite thing to work on. Why? Because we like to do things at which we feel confident and accomplished. It is way more fun than practicing the things we suck at. The problem with that is that there really is NO MAGIC FAIRY DUST. Your goats aren’t going to turn into strengths without focused attention. Nobody wishes that was true more than me, but it just isn’t. Open shop is a great opportunity to work on your goats. And if your goats are made worse by poor mobility or flexibility, why not stay awhile and address your mobility issues while you are here.  
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3 rounds:15 DB squat snatch, right arm (35/25)15 GHD situps15 DB squat snatch, left arm (35/25)15 toes to bar   Miss Manners…Part 3. Dear Miss Manners, First, thank you for all your help thus far in navigating the ins and outs of the gym. I have one other question that I’d love your help with. I’ve noticed that a lot of athletes in the gym like to use chalk on their hands when they do pullups, use barbells, or want to leave a handprint on each other’s shorts. I’ve also noticed that some of the more serious athletes (or at least those with serious faces) like to take chalk and have it next to them during the workout while others take the opportunity to stop in the middle of workouts and walk to the chalk bucket 3 or 4 or 12 times during a workout. Which is the right way...
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