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Squat Heavy. Deadlift Heavy. Great Extents. What’s the greatest extent you’ve gone to in order to get in a CrossFit workout?  Post to comments.
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Jeremy21-15-9overhead squat (95/65)burpee Cool Cruel Summer Series WOD 3“Lumberjack 20”20 Deadlifts (275lbs)Run 400m20 KB swings (2pood)Run 400m20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)Run 400m20 BurpeesRun 400m20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)Run 400m20 Box jumps (24″)Run 400m20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)Run 400m Cool Cruel Summer Series Workout 3 & Happy Hour – TONIGHT! WORKOUTS, PRIZES AND GIVEAWAYS, WINGS, WINE, PALEO MARGS. Run, walk, ride your bike, drive you car, get a ride, ride the bus…ok you get the point, figure out a way to get to the 3rd Cool Cruel Summer Series workout and happy hour tonight from 4-7pm. AND for this evening we have some GREAT door prizes from the Boulder lululemon athletica, HeroKit, and BoulderPT. Heat sign-ups will be available for the following times:4:30pm5:00pm5:30pm6:00pm 6:15pm Please note, this workout takes a bit longer than the usual drill so please plan accordingly.  We will have many scaling options as well. Questions?  Comments?  Need some persuading...
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21-15-9 reps for time of:225 (155) pound Deadlift95 (65) pound Thruster Our Newest Athlete. You might have seen him at the shop lately, he usually hangs out near the front door.  Maybe you passed him on the way to the bathroom and noticed his blue color or strikingly hot body.  Or maybe you noticed his trend-setting broken-pull-up-band headband look and secretly wish you had started that trend last time you snapped a band.  After all, Shane, Eric, Jake, Blaine, Ben, and Sam have all been spotted recently wearing broken bands (look for photo proof in the next issue of USMagazine).  Whatever the case, we wanted to take a moment to introduce our newest athlete – Mega the-deadlifting-phenom Munny – to the shop. Mega Munny hails from the town of KidRobot, Colorado where he was a standout artist and athlete.  Since coming to the world of CrossFit he, like all of us...
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Five rounds for time of:15 Knees to elbows15 Hip extensionsHandstand walk 15 meters15 Box jumps, 24″ box Olympic Weightlifting Meet Wrap-up From Ryan… Thanks to everyone who came to the Roots summer weightlifting meet on Saturday! It was a smashing success and Roots’ best lifting meet to date. Everything ran smoothly and heavy weights were attacked fearlessly! Many personal records were smashed and Roots lifters represented the shop with beautiful snatches and clean and jerks. Everyone had fun and it was a very positive experience for most. I’m really proud of everyone who competed and gave their best on the platform. I also appreciate all of the spectators who came out to cheer people on. Finally, thanks to our great team of volunteers without whom none of this would be possible! What a great community we have at Roots! Notable performances include: Denham – the youngest lifter in the meet...
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5 Rope Climbs5 Clean and jerk 165/1154 Rope Climbs 4 Clean and jerk 165/1153 Rope Climbs3 Clean and jerk 165/1152 Rope Climbs2 Clean and jerk 165/1151 Rope Climbs1 Clean and jerk 165/115 Cool Cruel Summer Series Workout 3 – Thursday! By now, you know the drill – Thursday is the 3rd workout in the Cool Cruel Summer Series.  Read below for answers to all of your questions.  Read the next line for the shortened version. Come Thursday night between 4 and 6:30pm to do a workout, mix and mingle with everyone Roots (families welcome), and don’t forget to pre-order your wings and salad at the front desk this week (cash or check only!). READ ALL THE DETAILS IN THIS POST SO YOU’RE IN THE KNOW AND DON’T MISS OUT ON THE FUN! How to Order Wings: Order your wings and/or salad combo TODAY through Wednesday!  Mark your order on the order form at the front desk...
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