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For time:21 L-pull-ups20 One legged squats, alternating legs18 L-pull-ups16 One legged squats, alternating legs15 L-pull-ups12 One legged squats, alternating legs12 L-pull-ups8 One legged squats, alternating legs If you are able to do L-pull-ups, do so.  If not, deadhang.  If not deadhang, kipping.       Roots Crew, we apologize for the hodge-podge apparel front.  Beginning tomorrow, we will have try-on sizes of the men’s and women’s sweatshirts and hoodies at the shop.  All pre-orders are due Sunday, FEBRUARY 13th. If you have any questions about the apparel pre-order, please email Nicole at nicole @ To catch-up on all the apparel details, read the posts from the past two days! HAPPY FRIDAY!
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Class Schedule Survey – be sure to take it! Run 400 meters30 Box jump, 24 inch boxRun 400 meters30 burpeesRun 400 meters30 overhead squats Sweatshirt and Sweatpant Orders – FAQ What items of clothing are available for purchase?Pullover sweatshirts, zip-up hooded sweatshirts (very similar to last year’s), and sweatpants What are the prices? If ordered before Sunday, February 9th:– pullover, $45 ($50 afterward)– zip-up, $63 ($70 afterward) Will you have extra hoodies if I don’t pre-order mine?We will probably have a few but there is no guarantee to how much stock we will keep.  If you want to make sure you get a hoodie this year, pre-order. Where can I see pictures of everything that is available?Either click on the Roots Gear link or stop by the shop and look at the bulletin board with color print outs of everything available. How can I pre-order my sweatshirts and sweatpants?Either place...
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Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5take yourself to a heavy five rep max for the day Fashion Week at CrossFit Roots MILAN, january 8th Once upon a time, in the pre-gimmicky age of fitness, athletes dreamed of being Greek-like Gods and Goddesses.  Colorado-based designer RooTS got back to well, his roots, with his new collection of pullover hoodies, zip-up sweatshirts, and sweatpants. In an age of tech tees, wicking fibers, and late night TV fitness ads, RooTS Winter 2011 line flips the bird at mainstream gear.  It’s as if the line screams, “It’s ok to workout in Chuck Taylors and a cotton sweatshirt – it won’t affect your workout, duh.”  Roots offered multiple versions of the pullover: one standard black down to business pullover for both men and women, and another stand out loud version that sports the image of an athlete gone right, and cool. Sweatpants offer a new avenue for RooTS who...
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15 double-unders15 wallballs (20/14)15 pull-ups15 kettlebell swings (24/16)30 double-unders 30 wallballs30 pull-ups30 kettlebell swings45 double-unders45 wallballs45 pull-ups45 kettlebell swings Member Class Schedule Survey Roots Crew, be sure to fill out your Member Class Survey and be entered to win a hoodie!
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Survey Error!  Use this link instead: CrossFit Roots Winter 2011 Class Survey. Front squats/burpees10-8-6-4-22-4-6-8-10 A Balance of Patience, Focus, Drive, and Fury This weekend’s Olympic Weightlifting Meet was a huge success.  The volunteers, crowd, and competitors were all an integral part to the meet but the real kudos goes to Ryan and his development of the Oly program over the past 15 months. Almost two years ago Ryan came to the garage to do an Oly clinic for our members.  I tried to talk it up and was embarassed when there were just four of us in attendance.  No matter, Ryan was fantastic and it was obvious that the dinky garage set-up didn’t phase him in the least.  The clinic ended with Ryan doing one-armed barbell snatches.  It was awesome. In October 2009 we brought on Ryan at Roots.  We started with one Olympic Weightlifting class a week.  Attendance was...
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