Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 A Week of Food in Pictures Wrap-up Last Monday Nicole committed to photographing every meal she ate for the entire week. We called it A Week of Meals in Pictures. The goal was to get at the fact that yes, we really do eat like this 98% of the time. The final piece of the project was to take a survey today as to whether or not the week of meals posted was something you would possibly eat. So, what did you think? Could you picture yourself eating this way? Post to comments. The comments on Monday were filled with great conversation about Paleo, feeding kids Paleo foods, and the cost of Paleo. Bones threw out an additional tweak to the project and said that I should track my cost which I made my best attempt to do. Here were my expenses, with brief explanations where necessary....
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