“Elizabeth“ 21-15-9 reps of:Clean 135 poundsRing dips Making it Work I’ve realized recently that many of you have to plan way in advance to come to Roots. Sunday night’s dinner includes a discussion to plan and divy out the week’s responsibilities. You have to communicate with your spouse, agree on child drop-off and pick-up, and sync up with work responsibilities and requirements, all to make your 3-5 hours of CrossFit each week. It’s a far more involved task than an individual making the daily on-the-fly decision to workout, or not. I appreciate, admire, and respect this fact – that each of you have chosen to make Roots a priority for you. In turn, we hope to provide you with something that you can call your own. A piece of the day set aside for you that allows you to be better in your job, for your kids, and to your...
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