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Run 400m 35 push-upsRun 800m25 push-upsRun 1 mile15 push-ups   Come in for some fun!
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“Elizabeth“ 21-15-9 reps of:Clean 135 poundsRing dips Making it Work I’ve realized recently that many of you have to plan way in advance to come to Roots. Sunday night’s dinner includes a discussion to plan and divy out the week’s responsibilities.  You have to communicate with your spouse, agree on child drop-off and pick-up, and sync up with work responsibilities and requirements, all to make your 3-5 hours of CrossFit each week.  It’s a far more involved task than an individual making the daily on-the-fly decision to workout, or not. I appreciate, admire, and respect this fact – that each of you have chosen to make Roots a priority for you.  In turn, we hope to provide you with something that you can call your own.  A piece of the day set aside for you that allows you to be better in your job, for your kids, and to your...
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BE SURE TO READ THE MANY ANNOUNCEMENTS AT THE BOTTOM OF TODAY’S POST! 15 rounds for time of:5 Pull-ups10 Push-ups15 Squats Chin over bar on pull-ups, no exceptions.Chest AND chin to ground every push-up.Unquestionably below parallel for every squat. Do it and do it well. Saturday Classes Saturday class times have moved to 7:30, 8:30, and 9:30.  This change will take effect tomorrow!  If you were enrolled in a class tomorrow, your registration is still good but for the corresponding class time (8:00am reservations were automatically moved to 7:30am). Yampa Valley Beef Orders Your Yampa Valley Beef orders are due by July 10th!  Please remember to put the shop’s address for the delivery address (not your home) AND put our shop code in for your shipping discount!  You can pick-up ordering instructions at the shop if needed. CrossFit and Endurance Sports Come learn how to effectively mix CrossFit with training...
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Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps Big Ups to Wednesday Big ups to everyone who came in yesterday for the front squat/pull-up/double under workout.  We saw some NICE front squats, attention to detail in warm-up, and a solid balance between form and intensity during the workout.  We also saw many people feeding off of the collective suckfest and pushing a little bit harder to the end.  Strong work.
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Complete as many rounds in 12 minutes as you can of:185 pound Front squat, 5 reps10 Chest to bar Pull-ups20 Double-unders 4th of July Weekend Schedule CrossFit Roots will be open Saturday July 3rd and Monday July 5th.  Class times for both days are 7:30am, 8:30am, and 9:30am. CrossFit Endurance Can CrossFit help your performance in events such as 10Ks and half marathons?  You betcha!  Come learn how to effectively mix CrossFit with training for your favorite endurance events.  It all goes back to quality, not quantity.  We’ll also discuss CrossFit Endurance class times soon to be offered at the shop. When: Friday, July 9th at 1:00pm (the 12:30 class will be shortened to 1/2 hour on this day)Where: at RootsBring: an open mind  
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