Bulling Through.

OPEN SHOP SUNDAY 10:30am – 12:30pm
Open to members only.  All athletes must sign-up for Open Shop on MBO in order to attend.  Thank you!

THE SCIENCE OF RECOVERY presentation is Sunday at 4:00pm.  Don’t miss it!

In teams of 2 accumulate as many reps as possible at each of the following 3 minutes stations:
Sandbag ground to overhead (reps)
Rope climb / (reps x 10)
Push-ups (reps)
10 foot Barbell farmers carry (135/95) (1 trip = 2 reps)
Air squats (reps)
Score is total reps.

Bulling Through.

Yesterday after the 9:00am class we had a little chat about the frustrating nature of the Air Force WOD.  For many athletes yesterday, the workout got ugly as folks found themselves getting just 3-5 more reps before having to return to the burpee buy-in.  Let’s just say there were many asterisk laden choice words spewing from athletes mouths throughout the day during the workout.

As the workout got more and more difficult many folks realized that wallowing in the suckfest or dreaming of a lighter load was no way to finish – ignoring the frustration and bulling through was.

The Air Force WOD is a terrific metaphor for life.  You’re humming along and life swings in and kicks you down.  You get up and get going and then, wham, you’re set back by another blow.  You get to a point where you feel like you’re taking more blows than you’re able to recover from – and then finally, you get it together and say enough is enough…and hammer through the damn thing to come out on top.

Last night, Rachel sent me this fantastic post from the folks over at CrossFit Lisbeth titled, Expect More of Yourself. My favorite line reads, “We’re really not interested in making the WOD easier for you, but we are interested in adjusting the workout so that you are working as hard as you possibly can.”

There are no easy days here and no one is going to feel sorry for you if you have to work hard – but we are going to make sure you have the tools to step up to the challenge and enable you to achieve what you’re capable of.

3 Responses
  1. That’s a great post.  I like to think of wods in terms of the rest of life.  It makes me realize that there’s not much in life that is directly in our control and you have to be okay with that or else you’ll go crazy.  BUT, everytime we come in to do a workout WE DO have complete control over how much effort we put in to it, how hard we push ourselves, and when it’s over and we go home only we really know if we could have gone harder.  And the ones that get better do just that everytime they come in.

    Jon Gilson from Again Faster has a phrase, “Better than yesterday.”  Apply that to everything you do in the present and progress is inevitable. 

    1. CAL

      Great post, and really appreciate your wonderfully inspiring words as well Shane. My 2012 roots mantra is show up, step up, move up :-). P. S. if anyone has notes or handout from recovery workshop yesterday they’d be willing to share I’d be grateful for some tips!! CAL