ATTENDING THE COACHES PREP COURSE @ ROOTS TOMORROW? CLICK HERE FOR LOCAL INFORMATION. Backsquat (Week 9)then:4 rounds:25 KB swings (24/16)10 burpee The above video was too hard to pass up. I came across it while searching (for a LONG time) for a YouTube video of Lu Xiaojun’s world record in the 77kg weight class...Read More
DID YOU SEE THE NEWSLETTER IN YOUR EMAIL INBOX YESTERDAY? IF NOT, CLICK HERE TO READ IT! 2 hang cleans EMOTM for 15 minutes. Work up to heavy but formidable double. Check Out the August Newsletter Events!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!… August 4th – Workout in the ParkMeet at North Boulder Park for all Saturday classes....Read More
Push Press (Week 9)then: 2 rounds:75 air squats50 double-unders25 push press AUGUST Newsletter Comes Out Tomorrow! There is a ton, literally A TON, of information in this August’s newsletter. Be sure to give it a read when it hits your email inbox tomorrow morning so you’re up to date on all the events, programs, and...Read More
Deadlift Week 9then: 15 burpees15 KB snatch30 burpees30 KB snatch Pissing in the Gas Tank. No, in this post, I’m not going to ask you to go piss in the gas tanks of all the big box gyms, Zoomba fanatics, and P90Xers. Sorry. And besides, you shouldn’t hate, because, in the words of Will Smith,...Read More
20 minute AMRAP:20 wall ball20 pull-up20 KB swing Olympic Weightlifting Foundations The next Olympic Weightlifting Foundations is available for sign-up! Session Start Date: July 31stCost: $100Meeting dates and times: July 31st, August 2, 7, 9 from 5:30-6:30pm Come spend four nights with Ryan learning detailed progressions of the snatch and clean and jerk. We will...Read More
Squat Heavy. Deadlift Heavy. Great Extents. What’s the greatest extent you’ve gone to in order to get in a CrossFit workout? Post to comments.Read More