Concept2 Holiday Challenge Training Groups Update

Run 5K

Click here for a link to the run route map.

Byron is BACK! And he found some time to walk on his hands while in Mozambique!



Concept2 Holiday Challenge Training Group

There are just a few spots left in the 9:00am and 10:15am sessions for the Concept2 training group with Lauren.

In addition, there has been some talk of interest in a class at 8:00am.  If you are interested in a course offered at this time, please post to comments. If we get enough interest, we will add it as an option.

If you’d like more information on the Holiday Challenge, click here.

If you’d like to sign-up, click the link under the upcoming events section in the righthand column.

6 Responses
  1. Jordan Logan

    Awesome hand stand. I got some feedback about the Roots cross country ski day and we think December 12th would be a good day. It’s a Sunday and I would like to go up to Snow Mountain Ranch in Winter Park because it is beautiful and more fun for new skiers than Eldora. Again, my email is [email protected] — Let me know if you have any questions.

  2. Karin

    Yes to 8 am holiday challenge! Fo sure sign me up! I already signed up for the 9 am- will it be possible to roll it over? Thanks, again, for offering this.