21-15-9 reps for time of:
225-lb. deadlifts
Cool Cruel Summer June
For Time: 100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
*Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next.
** If you plan to come to both the group WOD and the Cool Cruel Summer this evening, please tell the coach at class so we can swap out the pull-ups for something else.

Cool Cruel Summer Tonight and Clarification!
Tonight is the night! We throw down on the workout Angie, sip some Suerte Tequila Paleo Margs, and chow down on some Yellowbelly Chicken!
CLARIFICATION!: Before we run into more details we want to make one clarification about tonight’s event!
You DO NOT have to do the workout in order to come to the event or participate in the happy hour! Apparently some folks thought you couldn’t come unless you did the workout – NOT TRUE! (we DO ask that you don’t sip down on drinks and THEN do the workout). If you can’t make it for the workout but can stop by to say hi and socialize PLEASE by all means come on over, we’d love to see you!
Now for the nitty gritty on how it all goes down.
It’s very low-key and a lot of fun. We hope you come on out!
1. Show up anytime after 4pm.
2. When you come in, put yourself into a heat on the whiteboard. No, we won’t have judges or anything like that but we will group folks together to have a few set group start times.
3. Check out the warm-up and scaling options listed on the whiteboard.
4. Ask a coach for help if you’re not sure about scaling options, how to warm-up, how many bands, or any other questions you have!
5. Do the workout!
6. Stay, have a drink, eat some food, say hi to some fellow Roots.
Questions? Post to comments!
Hi All!
Lots of questions in class tonight about drinks at the event. Suerte will be there mixing margs. Please BYOB in addition to the drinks we’ll be serving.
Nice shot, Hammer!
Had a great time tonight! Thanks Coaches for doing you!