5 rounds for time of:
500m row
20 hip extensions
20 GHD sit-ups

CrossOver Symmetry How To Sessions at Roots
You heard about Crossover Symmetry and you’ve seen it in the back of the shop. If not, be sure to check out this post for details on what it is.
In short, Crossover Symmetry is a rotator cuff and scapular strengthening system designed to improve and maintain shoulder health. In short, it’s a badass set-up that will help you address those nagging shoulder twinges and pains that surface as a result of training or hours of computer work.
Since installing it at the shop we’ve seen a TON of athletes putting in the five minutes a day to take advantage of it.
While folks have done a great job following the instruction board, our very own resident PT Charlie Merrill will be here for two sessions to walk athletes through the series of exercises so they can get the most out of their efforts!
To us, Charlie Merrill helps define what it means to blend health and fitness. He has helped countless athletes overcome injuries and limitations while helping them continue to do what they love – sport. And Charlie is a long time CrossFit Roots athlete!
Roots will offer two sessions with Charlie:
Monday, March 31st at 11:15am
Wednesday, April 2 at 5:00pm
Sessions are limited to 14 people and are free to Roots members. Sign-up is required. Sign-up will be available on MBO one week prior to the session.
Post questions to comments.
Sad, I’ll be traveling during Charlie’s sessions. Can one be recorded and shared?
Hi Emily,
We won’t be able to record the sessions for this specific clinic but if it’s popular we plan to offer it again.
Terrific! Does a Mother-in-Law get first dibs???