Deadlift PRs all around yesterday! Great job and great form. Remember, you now have two places to log that information, in your Beyond the Whiteboard account and on the 1rep max board at Roots. Don’t forget!
Front squat 3×3 at 75% of 1rep max
3 rounds for time:
- 20 KB swings
- 30 push-ups
- 40 Abmat sit-ups
- 50 double unders

Dr. Loren Cordain Paleo Diet Talk
We are excited to announce that Dr. Loren Cordain, faculty member of the Department of Health and Exercise Science at Colorado State University, will visit CrossFit Roots on Thursday September 17th to give a talk on the evolution of the Western Diet and its modern day health implications.
Dr. Cordain is the author of The Paleo Diet and The Paleo Diet for Athletes. He is considered an expert on natural human diets and has done extensive research on the health benefits of the Stone Age Diet. Athletes have seen tremendous gains in performance and health from The Paleo Diet.
For more information on Dr. Cordain and The Paleo Diet, click here.
Tickets for this event will be $15. We will sell tickets to the event through our site beginning Monday, August 3rd. We hope you can join us.
[…] Athletes arePowered by Wind: « Dr. Cordain is Coming to CrossFit Roots Working up the […]
What time is the talk?