CrossFit Open WOD 12.4
Not sure what that means? Come on in and we’ll show you!

Embrace the Unknown.
We talk a lot about “constantly varied” here. This week’s workouts have been no exception. But we all have biases. Some of us like heavy lifting days; others crave the short intense met-con or the long chipper. We all know that working in only 1 domain leaves us unbalanced as an athlete and open to injury. We wouldn’t do this to ourselves intentionally, but sometimes our biases creep in. That’s why your coaches always keep a few surprises up their sleeves. We want to make sure that you don’t miss out on the opportunity to breathe hard if your subconscience nudges you to sign up for lifting-oriented days and avoid the breathers…or vice versa. Big ups to those athletes who smiled and attacked the 200M sprints on Tuesday even though you had prepared yourself for a “go heavy” day. Today brings another opportunity to Embrace the Unknown. Sign up, come to class, and get better today.
I have to say, I wanted to avoid Lynne yesterday because it didn’t appeal to me but I did it anyway. Today I’d like to avoid 12.4 because I’m not sure I can do as well on it as I did last spring and I know it’s going to be uncomfortable. Oh well
Tell yourself you’re going to kill it! Mindset makes all the difference 🙂
No excuses Ben – get 7 or more (got to break the threeway tie). – WBs and DUs are just a warm-up for MUs 🙂