“The Chief”
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles.

Epic Post
I think I’m supposed to have some epic post for the first day at the new space. I don’t. My only emotions right now are appreciation and gratitude. I just left the crew working at the shop with the words, “ok, I have to go write the post.” I feel bad because I’m not helping.
The picture above says it all as it reflects the hard work and effort everyone put into today. This is my view out the office window to the new space. In it you’ll see Eric laying on the floor cutting the mats so the seams match up perfectly, Ali, Scott, and Odie taping down all 42 mats, as Stef hanging the t-shirts over the front desk. Pearl Jam is playing on the stereo. Everyone has worked their asses off today.
This project came together with the help and hard work from a number of people that I’d like to thank. A very special thank you to Eric, Stefanie, Odie, Ali, Zac, Shane, Tracie, Ryan, Scott, Blakely, Wendy, Sampo, Peter, Dizon, Chad, and Mom and Dad.
This new space is fucking awesome.
Here’s how to get here…
We are located at 2406 30th Street, Boulder Colorado 80301. We’re not quite yet on GoogleMaps, but will be soon.
To get here: from the intersection of 30th and Pearl, go NORTH on 30th Street. Pass Pollard Jeep on your right and take a RIGHT into a long row of tan colored industrial buildings. Drive almost until the end until you see double garage doors and a single door that reads “Authorized Personnel Only.” That is the entry door. Welcome!

Wooo! Can’t wait. See y’all in the morning! Thanks for all the hard work, guys (and guy-ettes).
I dont think we need an epic post. You have put together epic coaches and now an epic gym. Its up to us now, we need to go there and be epic.
…. and dont forget about the epic sound system!!!
Saw that… those are some nice large speakers!
For those riding or running from locations west of 30th, here is a map of the Goose Creek path that takes you directly to the new gym. http://g.co/maps/fu5b7
The new space looks awesome!! The epic sound system can rock the walls down! Thanks to everyone! I have a question about the BTWB. Do we need a subscription now? I went to log in my Chief time this morning and I got a message requiring me to pay for a subscription…?
What an awesome space!!! Thank you so much for your excellent coaching! No limits!
Thanks everyone for your help in creating the killer new space! Can’t wait to do The Chief today– classic–this was the WOD at the Roots original grand opening. Also, don’t forget to come cheer on the Roots Team tomorrow at MBS! Speaking from experience, it’s always nice to have your crew there cheering you on and pushing you to your limits. Good luck team!
Great space Nicky C and the Roots! Killer friggin’ workout to break in the new flooring – I have officially baptized it with “Sweat of Bones” !
How the hell did Eric get that flooring so dailed in? Man, the whole place is just solid. Thanks very much to everyone who helped with the move, etc. Mighty fine work.
Note to self: Do not attempt a Mapleton / 30th St traverse ever again. I mean, never.