CROSSFIT ENDURANCE: Meet at the Southwest corner of North Boulder Park for today’s 12:00pm workout – OPPOSITE the playgrounds and near the apartment building. SEE MAP HERE.
For time:
40 Box jump, 24 inch box
40 Jumping pull-ups
40 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 40 steps
40 Knees to elbows
40 Push press, 45 pounds
40 Back extensions
40 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
40 Burpees
40 Double unders

Fab Forty
If you haven’t seen the original, check out this video first so you have some context! Then, have fun with this CrossFit-themed version. AWESOME. Thanks for sending Keane.
Happy Birthday Tracie! Thanks for setting the standard for 40!
Happy Birthday Tracy!!
Also, since I saw the Filthy 50 on the Main Site I have been closely watching and waiting for it to appear at Roots… I am deeply disheartened to say that it happened to fall on the ONLY day within the last 2 weeks that I am absolutely unable to attend. I am very upset right now. Very upset…
How about another pick your Benchmark WOD… with the Filthy 50 or Fabulous 40 added to the list? Woot, Woot! I think that’s a great idea ; )
Happy Birthday, Tracie!
Happy Birthday Tracie! hahahaha that video is RIDICULOUS! I love it! I wish I would’ve brought my Afro wig with me today so I can wear it during the 5pm WOD. I may have to leave work early to go home to get it…
hApPY bIrTHdAy Tracie!! Luv Luv LUV this video, lol!! Methinks CrossFit Roots Crew may have to start producing a series of music vids given the awesome skills in the dancing dept demonstrated at the holiday party — are you listening Southside??
40 is a wonderful decade Tracie, ENJOY every moment!!
LOVE it! We need to have an LMFAO costume WOD. And, we should start making our own music videos. That would be hilarious!
Happy Birthday, Tracie!!
Just to set the record straight… I’ve got passion in my pants and I ain’t afraid to show it.
Ah, gotta love the Spanish.
Happy birthday Tracie!
Happy birthday, T-Hulk!!!
Yay Happy Birthday! 🙂
Happy birthday, Tracie! Thanks for being such a great coach!
Happy Birthday Tracie!…as my first CF coach, I hold you personally responsible for my addiction…thanks!….hope you plan to play hard in celebration!
Let’s scale the workout to as many reps as Tracie looks old… I’m doin’ 21 of everything!!! Happy birthday Tracie!!!