Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Chest to bar Pull-ups
5 Ring dips
15 Squats

Final Stretch for the Look Good Naked Challenge
Tomorrow is the LAST day of the Look Good Naked Challenge and the scores are CLOSE. Just a few points separate a number of folks at the top spots.
Thursday brings back the Dunk Tank for a post challenge retest of body fat % and lean body mass changes. After we collect the numbers from this final component of the scoring, we’ll determine the winner.
And what will the winner take home? A free month of membership, a $100 Whole Foods Giftcard, and a massage from any local Boulder spot.
The challenge wrap-up coincides with the Cool Cruel Summer Kick-off on Thursday night. Challenge participants and ALL Roots members are highly encouraged to come to this fun summer monthly event.