Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

This is Your Brain on Sugar.
Check this out!
This Is Your Brain On Sugar: Study Shows High-Fructose Diet Sabotages Learning, Memory
Don’t forget, the Cool Cruel Summer Series kicks off THIS Thursday!!
That’s right – get rid of sugar, and replace it with HONEY! Nectar of the gods. Just sayin’
WOD 1.0 – Monthly focus is knees 2 elbows and toes 2 bar. Workout today is a fun AMRAP. Don’t worry about missing Helen, we’ll be doing 1 benchmark WOD (like Helen or another named workout) each month!
Hi Ali, any chance there could be a 1.0 about running form sometime in the future? I think I’m the only person at Roots who runs like they’re on a backwards treadmill made of tar and I need help!
Hey Amy,
That’s certainly something we can put in the mix! Have you tried an endurance class yet? That’s often covered there as well if you want to check that out in the meantime.