Fran Man

thrusters (95/65)

Many times our capabilities are limited to our flexibility and ability to get into strong positions. Which of the above looks stronger, safer and more efficient to you? Which one do you think will hurt more after 100+ reps?

Mobility Class Reminder
Don’t forget about Shane’s mobility classes starting this Sunday at 9:30am. If class is full email shane @ and let him know you are interested. If enough interest is generated we’ll open a 9:00am slot as well. The price is $50 for 6 classes.

Food Day 3 in the Week of Meals in Pictures

A Week of Meals in Pictures, Day 3

Breakfast: leftover beef, carrots, onions, an apple, and a few almonds, coffee
Lunch: hamburger, onions, spinach, and avocado scramble, topped with salsa
Snack: handful of almonds and a coffee
Dinner: Oops…forgot to take a picture.  Caprese salad, hold the cheese, add salmon and a side of bacon

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