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FRIDAY: Regionals with Matt and Cam and Fundraiser!
Get ready for FRIDAY – it’s going to be BIG!
First, the 2015 CrossFit Games take the competition to the next level as the Regionals kick-off this weekend. And the SOUTH REGION is first up. Both Camille and Matt will compete alongside the top athletes of the Southwest, SouthCentral, and South America to earn a spot to the 2015 CrossFit Games. You’ve seen them training at the shop and know that their successes come from a lot of consistent hard work. Let’s cheer them on to the next level.
We’ll have the live coverage streaming all day long on the shop TV!
And, while you’re at the shop on Friday, take part in the Run Across Congo Fundraiser!
In May 2015, Mel, Owner of Conscious Coffees, will run 200 miles – 7 whole marathons in 7 consecutive days – across the Congo to raise awareness for the challenges that these communities, and in particular, the women of Eastern DRC face daily to bring us luxury goods at a very affordable price.
On Friday, May 15th, Roots will match every donation, up to $500, to help Mel reach her goal of raising $15,000.
100% of money raised will fund gender equality training in farming communities. All donations will go directly to program work, while the runners will cover their own travel expenses.
Classes will run as normal throughout the day. The workout will be inspired by “7 marathons in 7 days” (don’t worry, the workout won’t be to run a marathon;). If you would like to make a cash or check donation when you come to class, great! Everything helps – $5, $10, $100 – Roots will match it up to $500.
Learn about the entire effort by visiting Run Across Congo.
Click here to view Mel’s personal fundraising page.
We hope you can join us on Friday, May 15th in classes!
Gotta thank Crossfit Roots for allowing Mel to fundraise at the gym tomorrow! We’re hoping to achieve the last dollars her goal of raising $15,000 at the gym!
I’ll have hot coffee on hand for as much of the day as I can.
Hey you 5:30 AM’ers – we’ll be there with coffee for YOU tomorrow too!!
Tons of gifties for your donations like the RUN DRC t-shirt,s mugs, and CUP socks of course!
Please know that your donation will greatly affect the lives of the coffee producers in this region!! A coffee washing station that has been closed for 60 years will reopen, allowing them to sell more coffee and raise their qualities of life. RAD.
See y’all tomorrow!
BIG congrats to AMY and Dave for winning the food challenge!
Good luck to Matt and Cami!