21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Girls Week, Day 1: Elizabeth
If you missed the big news last week be sure to read this carefully.
Get pumped because this week at Roots is GIRLS WEEK. No, we don’t mean chicks only, we mean an entire week of BENCHMARK GIRLS workouts.
Starting today it’s:
Today we kick it off with a classic CrossFit couplet – Elizabeth. A insanely simple pairing of cleans and ring dips, this workout was seen in the final event at the 2012 CrossFit Games.
Grab your log book, plan your outfits, and rearrange your work schedule.
WOD 1.0 will also be doing Girls Week with a different set of Girls – so no matter which WOD you choose this week, get those log books open and ready to be filled up!
The CrossFit Girls–in my subconscious and in my dreams!
Just before waking this morning I had this dream: Went to CrossFit for the beginning of Girls Week. Nicole announced a ‘New Girl’–Susie. We warmed up by hanging from the high bar. Then we laid on our backs on the floor and sang several songs. (For those who know me, this comes as no surprise.)
For ‘Susie’, Nicole asked us to sit up and handed each of us a Paleo menu of 3 options (each with veggies) to choose from:
1. Grass-fed beef
2. Wild-caught fish
3. The ‘trick option’–a grain (gasp!)
And this is the Susie! (As least in my dreams!)