Three rounds for time of:
clean,135 pounds, 15 reps
21 double unders
rest 10 minutes
AMRAP 7 minutes
7 wallball
7 burpee

Mark Your Calendars!
Hey Roots Crew – check it! There’s a lot of great stuff happening at Roots in the next few weeks. Mark you calendars, set your phone alarms, or tattoo the dates on your arm.
1. Girls Week – all benchmark girl workouts all week. Let’s just say you’ll need your log book – all. week. long. Read about it here.
2. THE LAST 2012 COOL CRUEL SUMMER – and the workout will be…THE CROSSFIT TOTAL. That’s right, we just told you the workout (OMG) – almost TWO WEEKS in advance. We’ll even be doing The CrossFit Total ALL DAY LONG. In every workout. You might have a better experience coming and doing it that night though so stay tuned for more details and get ready to come lift heavy shit.
3. Anniversary Party and Athlete Appreciation Party – September 7th – by now you should have received an Evite to the party in the park. Please RSVP soon!
Is the Total this Thursday, or next Thursday?