Hey endurance enthusiasts and weekend running warriors – we’ve got a great event for you to check out!
Suffer Better is hosting the inaugural Colorado version of Jared Campbell’s successful Utah-based Running Up for Air (RUFA) event. Launched by Jared in Salt Lake City some 5 years ago, RUFA draws attention to Salt Lake’s horrific winter air and raises money for improving Salt Lake’s air quality. The CO version is intended to do the very same thing!

What is RUFA?

Running Up For Air (aka RUFA) is an endurance mountain challenge that was originally created in Utah to raise money in support of the fight for improved air quality for those who live along the Wasatch Front in Utah.
RUFA involves running up and down big hills outside of Salt Lake, for 6, 12 or 24 hours, with runners asked to get pledges for Breathe Utah, a 501(c)3 non-profit that works tirelessly for the benefit of everyone in Utah who is subject to our unique air pollution challenges.

What is RUFA-CO?

Running Up For Air Colorado is the Colorado edition of Utah’s RUFA, an endurance running event to raise awareness and money in support of the fight for improved air quality for all of us who live along the front range of Colorado, encompassing everything from Colorado Springs to Ft. Collins, and, like Salt Lake, subject to unsightly and unhealthy winter air.
Suffer Better is hosting the first Colorado Edition of Running Up for Air on a parcel of private land near Evergreen, CO. The course begins at 7700 feet and each lap takes runners up to 8500 feet and views of Mt Evans and Denver.  Each lap is a 2.7 mile circuit of forest road and rugged trail through a beautiful pine forest. Runners sign up to run for 3, 6 or 12 hours, repeating laps up to Granite Peak and back down.  Participants are also asked to obtain pledges for their laps from friends, family and colleagues, the proceeds going to Conservation CO, a local 501c3 organization, to support their work and advocacy to improve our air.  We will also be donating 10% of our proceeds to Jared’s chosen nonprofit in Salt Lake, Breathe Utah, which also focuses its good work on clean air.
Date: March 31, 2018, 7 am – 7 pm

[button link=”http://bit.ly/RUFA-CO” type=”big” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] Register Here. [/button]

About Suffer Better

Headquartered in Boulder, CO, Suffer Better is a community of passionate endurance athletes who live and train by the mantra Suffer Better.   Suffer Better has two fundamental principles:  We give our all in what we do and we give back.  Suffer Better does 3 things:  1) Offers nontechnical running apparel – hats, socks, T shirts, hoodies, buffs – to enable the community to fly the flag and spread the word; 2) Organizes and implements events – trail running races, presentations, and panels – to share with the endurance community; and 3) Aligns with like-minded companies and individuals to create unique ways of giving back.  Suffer Better donates 10% of all sales, referred to as The 110, to nonprofits and charities to support their important work. RUFA-CO is an ideal event for Suffer Better: it enables runners to give their all and give back in a meaningful way.  
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