In teams of five, complete the following:
– Take 8 minutes to find your team’s combined 3 rep max front squat.
Then, complete the following AMRAP triplet in any order:
– 7 minutes: 200m run, 7 burpees
One sled per team. Sled must be dragged by one teammate on their 200m run at all times.
– 7 minutes: 200m row uphill w/ 20lb vest, 10 push-ups, 10 ground to overhead, 10 dumbbell thrusters
– 7 minutes: accumulate as many reps as possible of 1 rope climb and 15 KB swings. 315lb bar must be off the ground, in athlete hands for reps to count.
At the completion of the 21 minute AMRAP triplet,
– Run 400m as a team. Only 2 team members can be on the ground at any one time. Five burpees per teammate on the course for every switch.
No time between AMRAPs.
All questions, further details, and loading specified at the shop!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Roots Athletes,
Happy Thanksgiving!
We hope you enjoy a wonderful day with family and friends.
Thanks to everyone who came out last night for happy hour!
We’re thankful for YOU!
The Coaches
Thanks to everyone who came out for last night’s happy hour. It was so much fun to hangout with everyone! Have a great Thanksgiving.
Nicole, that organized cluster fuck was a serious hoot! Thanks for that.