Dear Roots Crew,
The time has come to do the right thing for the common good. While I had hoped to keep our doors open through this crisis, I now believe that we must do our part to aid in the efforts to prevent or slow the spread of COVID-19 as requested by our local and state officials.
To be clear, Roots does not have any confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19 and we are not making this decision based on new information. We want to keep our people safe and contribute to the solution.
It is simply the only right thing to do. While I am proud of the health and fitness within our community’s walls and the protection those efforts provide, that does not remove us from being part of the community that is the City of Boulder, State of Colorado, and the world as a whole.
We are implementing a 2-week physical closure of CrossFit Roots effective Monday, March 16th through March 29th.
The only argument that can be made for staying open right now is an economic one. While compelling, that has never been the compass that guided us and we will not change course now. If we are honest, it is impossible to prevent transmission in an environment such as the gym no matter how hard we try. As such, I believe it is our obligation to be part of the solution and proactively close our doors.
But Can I Workout?
Being part of the solution does not mean you that your health and fitness have to suffer. That being said, we will shoot your straight as always, and tell you that it will take additional work on your part during this time to stay diligent, committed, and motivated. We are here to help.
Beginning Monday, March 16th we will offer the following options for fitness:
Park Workouts
We will offer no-contact park workouts daily at 7am, 9am, 12pm, and 5pm. This will begin Monday, March 16th. We will post additional details with locations later today.
While we will bring equipment to these workouts (KBs and DBs only) we are asking you to consider bringing your own equipment if you have it.
Please consider visiting Play It Again Sports or Target. One set of dumbbells at a weight that is “challenging for a set of 21 front squats.” Cue Dave or Nicole’s voice: “you could probably go a little heavier…“
We will continue workouts at parks as long as we feel we can do this responsibly.
CrossFit Roots – Disinfected (ie Home Workouts)
We will offer a daily home workout on SugarWOD. These workouts will be bodyweight in nature and will be broadcast LIVE on a private Members-Only Facebook group. Additional details will be sent today including how to join the group.
Lazy Macros Challenge
We will kick off a shop-wide food challenge MONDAY, MARCH 23rd that will be free to all members. The challenge will be the Lazy Macros Challenge and it will be available in SugarWOD. You can read more about it here. Additional details will be posted on SugarWOD and the blog. Plan to spend this week preparing. You have the time.
We will rely on SugarWOD for our daily communication with members. The announcements section immediately above the workout of the day will include links to information. We will also send the information out via email. This is a quick reminder to make sure you have OPTED IN for News and Promos in MBO (see here and scroll down to Existing Client Opt-in).
Sickness, Wellness, Fitness

In CrossFit, we use the Sickness, Wellness, Fitness model to describe how daily efforts in fitness and nutrition move the needle to the Fitness side of the continuum. The model also describes how our efforts to move the needle as far to the right as possible gives us a “hedge” against Sickness. It describes how this buffer allows us to weather the storm when life events change our course. Maybe we fall back to Wellness, but we do not slide to Sickness.
Right now, we are each seeing this model play out. Take pride in the efforts you’ve put in the bank thus far, yet do not rest on your laurels, and step up to the challenge of committing to your health and fitness during this time to protect your needle and hold it to the right.
It’s time to expand the margins of our experience.
If you have questions, please email [email protected].