Masters Event 1
For time:
8 deadlifts
40 GHD sit-ups
80 double-unders
4 rope climbs
80 wall-ball shots
4 rope climbs
80 double-unders
40 GHD sit-ups
8 deadlifts
Come out for a fun filled day while throwing down in teams of 2 on a variety of challenging events. Teams will consists of 1 male and 1 female athlete. They will be required to work together to complete 3-4 events after which we will crown the fittest duo. This competition is geared towards the competitive recreational athlete who completed The Open as Rx, but is not at a Regionals level. Check out the movement standards list HERE.
As in the past, the event will be professionally run and judged. We have a healthy amount of prizes for everyone competing, thanks to our amazing sponsors! We would also like to recognize our amazing staff of volunteers, who are crucial in running a smooth event. If you are not interested in competing but would like to be involved, please consider volunteering to help us with the event. Email Shane or Ali and stay tuned to the blog for more information on volunteering.
If you’re ready to register, click HERE! The price is $120/team until September 1st and increases to $135 after the 1st. Only 1 member of your team needs to register. They will receive an email survey within one week to complete your team information. All event details can be found HERE.
Throw on a flannel, those old overalls in the closet and your best pair of shit-kickers and we’ll see you at The Hoedown!