For time:
50 Walking lunge steps
25 Chest to bar pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 24 inch box
25 Triple-unders
50 Back extensions
25 Ring dips
50 Knees to elbows
25 Wallball “2-fer-1s”, 20 pound ball
50 Sit-ups
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents

Headed to Regionals
A very special congratulations to our very own Cindy Arangua who qualified for the 2013 CrossFit Regionals in Salt Lake City, UT the weekend of May 31st through June 2nd.
Over the course of five weeks Cindy posted top 50 scores in four of the five events in the South West region. She was 23rd in the region in the clean and jerk toes to bar workout and 29th in the wallball, double under, muscle-up workout.
Cindy has worked hard over the past six months to mold her fantastic engine with movement refinement and technique work.
We are extremely proud of her and excited for the next two months as she preps for regionals!
Congrats to Cindy!! And regarding the workout, wasn’t April Fool’s last week?
Great job Cindy! It is a huge accomplishment just to make Regionals nowadays. Train hard and tear it up in SLC – we’ll be Root-ing for you!
Cindy – SUPER PROUD OF YOU. Qualifying for regionals is a huge deal and you are going to do great once you get there. Excited for Salt Lake!!
Awesome job, Cindy! Congratulations and go kick some ass at Regionals!
ROCK STAR!!! We love you Cindy:)
Congrats, Cindy!
Congratulations Cindy! It’s an awesome accomplishment for anyone, but especially for someone with a job (that’s not crossfit) and a couple of young children!
Congratulations Cindy – you deserve it!! And congrats to all the fine work from Roots too! -Robby from Alpine CrossFit
Awesome work, Cindy! Can’t wait to watch you kick some booty in SLC!
Congratulations Cindy, it was quite a sight to watch you every Thursday!
SO GREAT, Cindy!! Congratulations!!! You’ve got tons of fans as you head off to SLC 🙂
Woooo Hoooo!! YAY Cindy!!! You are going to show ’em what Roots Awesomesauce looks like in SLC!!