We hope to see everyone today at the Boulder Reservoir from 11-3pm for the annual Anniversary Party and Family Picnic. Please remember to bring a potluck item to share.
Hang Power Clean
Hang Squat Clean
Build through the ten sets without warming up between lifts. Last set of hang power cleans flows directly into first set of hang squat cleans. Athlete must start next movement at or with more weight than pervious successful set. If athlete finishes last set of hang power cleans at 125lbs, athlete must do first set of hang squat cleans with 125lbs, or more.

Hey, That’s My Gym on ESPN.
Has anyone seen Camille’s CrossFit commercial that aired during the 2015 CrossFit Games? Did the background look a bit familiar?
While on vacation, Maura snapped a photo of her TV, above. Take a look at that gym!