50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:

On the way home from the airport tonight I found myself smiling alone in the car on US36 thinking about CrossFit Roots. Green Day was playing on the radio: “it’s something unpredictable but in the end it’s right, I hope you [have] the time of your life.” The Grand Opening was a huge success. There was a ton of enthusiasm in the air and I am tickled with excitement about the community of athletes we are gathering at CrossFit Roots. You’ve all signed up for the journey and it’s going to be a great one. 3-2-1-Go!
Check back each day this week to find out what to expect this fall.
The annual Fight Gone Bad fundraiser is THIS WEEKEND on Saturday, September 26th! CrossFit affiliates across the US and around the world will take part in this fun community event that raises money for Athletes for a Cure and the Wounded Warrior Project. The fundraiser consists of participants doing the CrossFit named workout Fight Gone Bad.
We are very excited to get together with MBS CrossFit in Broomfield to participate in the fundraiser. A $20.00 donation to the fundraiser is required to participate in the event – practically nothing! To reserve your spot, make your donation through our site by Thursday, September 24th or give $20 to Nicole.
Satuday’s workout will be at MBS CrossFit in Broomfield. There will not be a Saturday workout at CrossFit Roots. We hope you can join us at MBS!
You’ve heard about it. You’ve read about it. Some of you attended the Paleo Diet Talk with Dr. Loren Cordain. It’s time to put all the knowledge to work. We’ll announce the Paleo Challenge this week, give details on how to participate, and schedule a pre-challenge talk to get everyone on board. Stay tuned. Who’s interested??
Ok – you know you have to send me the full-size jpeg of that pic! It’s now my official BTW gravatar . . .
And you bet Scott and I are down with the Paleo Challenge.
Bring it on!
If I can’t do box jumps for a bit longer, I might as well sink my teeth into the Paleo challenge. I think we should get our blood work done before and after too! (Spoken like a nurse, right?)