Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Have you signed up for the Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser? Sign-up on the whiteboard at the shop and give your $20 to Nicole by Thursday OR sign-up through your MBO account. The fundraiser will take the place of Saturday’s class. We will meet at the gym at 8:30 to carpool to MBS in Broomfield.
BIG UPS to Ivete and Christy who rocked the house on the single/double under portion of yesterday’s workout.
MindBodyOnline Sign-up
Beginning October 1st we will require everyone to sign-up for the classes they wish to attend. This will allow us to track attendance rates and schedule new classes as needed at the right times. If you have a 3x/week membership it will also help us track your visits per month. And, if we don’t have anyone signed up for that 5:45AM class, we’re probably not going to make the drive in to the shop;) If you have questions about class sign-up, please ask!

Awesome job Ivete and Christy!