Intermittent Fasting

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps each:

Bodyweight front squat

Knees to elbows

Ben and Piper move through the final phase of the Saturday workout. We hear Ben's Mom is coming back to Boulder for a visit. Keep an eye folks, this woman rocks it!

Intermittent Fasting

A big thanks to everyone who came out for last night’s food chalk talk.  We discussed diet and health in the US since 1977, the concept of Paleo, and introduced intermittent fasting.  As promised, here are some great links to learning about intermittent fasting (or IF).  Enjoy!

The Blog of Michael R Eades, M.D. – Fast Way to Better Health

How To: Intermittent Fasting

CrossFit East Bay’s CrossKitchen: Intermittent Fasting

3 Responses
  1. when might there be another squat clinic?  I’m befuddled by how I can deadlift a good amount but my max squat weights are comparable to a 8-yr-old and I probably won’t be able to walk tomorrow anyway.  Help me roots!